The 2022 edition of the summer school, which will take place from August 22 to 26, 2022 at the Centre de Villégiature Jouvence in Orford, will be on the theme: Biodiversity changes and data visualization. The course will take the form of a workshop during which the students, in collaboration with local organizations involved in biodiversity monitoring, will develop a web platform for visualizing biodiversity changes.
Author: KimGS
Introduction to the Julia language for ecological research
The BIOS² CREATE program and EcoJulia are organizing an introductory workshop to the Julia language for ecological research. The workshop will be held online and in person at Université de Sherbrooke on June 20th and 21st, 2022.
Read More “Introduction to the Julia language for ecological research”
PhD Opportunity: Monitoring the impacts of climate change on biodiversity
The Government of Quebec’s Biodiversity Monitoring Network is the first large-scale project in Quebec to document changes in biodiversity on a large scale. It was developed through the 2013-2020 Action Plan on Climate Change in partnership with the Ministère des Forêts de la Faune et des Parcs (MFFP) and the Ministère de l’Environnement et de la Lutte aux Changements Climatiques (MELCC). Nearly 250 sites have been monitored since 2016, using about thirty indicators and taxonomic groups in a variety of environments (forest, tundra, bog, marsh, lake and river).
We are looking for a PhD student to synthesize the observations and develop interpretation tools.
Read More “PhD Opportunity: Monitoring the impacts of climate change on biodiversity”
Introduction to microbiome analysis
An Introduction to Microbiome Analysis workshop will be presented as part of the BIOS² training program by Professor Steven Kembel (UQAM) on May 19 and 20, 2022 from 1 pm to 4 pm Eastern Time .
This workshop will give an overview of the theory and practice of using metabarcoding approaches to study the diversity of microbial communities. The workshop will give participants an understanding of 1) the current methods for microbiome diversity quantification using metabarcoding/amplicon sequencing approaches and 2) the normalization and diversity analysis approaches that can be used to quantify the diversity of microbial communities.
Fascinated by microbiomes ? PhD position
The Lajoie lab at Université de Montréal (QC, Canada) is looking for a PhD student interested in studying the response of plant microbes to urbanization.
BIOS² Workshop: Bayes for the Busy Ecologist
This workshop, which will be held in 4 sessions starting March 22, 2022, will present one idea of a complete workflow for applied Bayesian statistics. The goal will be to look at real-world models that are actually used by biodiversity scientists.