SOFTWARE CARPENTRY WORKSHOP – an introduction to programming for research

This Fall (November 22-26, 2021), BIOS² will host a Software Carpentry workshop to introduce new BIOS2 Fellows, Québec-Océan members and and everyone else interested to the basics of computer programming, working with data and the skills needed to be productive in collaborative research projects.

BIOS2 Workshop: an (un)reproducibility detox

Postponed to a later date. Stay tuned.

It’s renovation season and there’s no better time to revisit the way we do research!

Hosted by BIOS2, this 7-day spa-like detox routine will make you question and re-organize your routine for better productivity and reproducibility of your AMAZING science. Come learn together about trust in open science, open project design, version control, virtual environment and more!

This reproductibility workshop will run from July 4 to July 10 2021, with more offline activities and less expositive tutorials. 100% fun activities that don’t feel like work!

Training: Data Visualization

There has been a change in dates for the Data Visualization workshop.

The training will be held on October 13-14 @ 1-3 PM (EDT) instead of September 21-22, 2020.

We are pleased to propose another training as part as our series: Training by BIOS² Fellows!

Katherine Hébert and Alex Arkilanian we will be offering a training session on Data Visualization (in English) to be held on October 13-14 from 1-3 PM (EDT).

The training will be split into two sessions, which will covers the general principles of visualization and graphic design, and techniques of tailored visualization. Each training will take the form of a presentation interspersed with several short activity modules, where participants will be invited to use the tools we will be discussing to practice their data visualization skills.

Training: Science Communication

Thank you to BIOS² Fellows Gracielle Higino and Katherine Hébert, we will be offering a series of two webinars on Science Communication!

The objective of this training is to share and discuss the concepts and tools that contribute to effective science communication. The training will be split into two sessions, which will cover the basic concepts of effective science communication and how social media tools can be used to boost the signal of your research and extend your research network. Each training will take the form of a presentation interspersed with several short activity modules, where participants will be invited to use the tools we will be discussing to kickstart their own science communication.