This summer is weird. But we hope you are all safe and taking care of yourselves, and enjoying it as you can! We already did a lot of things in the last couple of weeks and this blog post is about remembering these good things and hoping for better days with more computational ecology training and community calls!
Category: Blog
Blog: A Journey with Data Trekkers
Story of an internship by Gracielle Higino, Gabriel Dansereau and Francis Banville
Back in 2019, which feels like decades ago, we started a humble project in the Poisot lab which we called Code Hour. The goal was to set weekly hours to practice Julia, since we were all learning to use it and we could greatly benefit from each other’s help and encouragement. The project went well (although we frequently ended up spending much more than one hour). It “spilled” out of our lab and found enthusiasm at IVADO, who already had plans to promote a challenge in which participants would make a commitment to code for 100 days. That’s when our internship was born.
The time I talked about data bias at the BES annual meeting – Gracielle Higino
For someone who started the year of 2019 not quite believing in my own research, being in an international conference in December showcasing my latest results and making people intrigued by what I’ve found was a huge leap.
From December 10th-13th I was in the BES Annual Meeting in Belfast, Northern Ireland, and the first morning was a landmark in my career. It was the first time I was in an international conference, and the first time I had the chance to make an oral presentation about my research. Giving that the days before the meeting I was extremely stressed about not having the results I wanted, the first thing I learned was that, in science, every bit of result counts.
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Katherine Hébert presentation
Congratulations to Katherine Hébert for receiving the Committee Award at the Biodiversity_Next conference for her poster presentation.
Mona Parizadeh’s Presentation
Mona Parizadeh, a 2018-2019 BIOS2 fellow , did a poster presentation at the CSEE, ESC & AES 2019 Joint Meeting in Fredericton (NB). Here is what she presented :
Monitoring the effects of neonicotinoid pesticides on the phyllosphere and soil bacterial communities in a three-year soybean and corn rotation. Parizadeh, M., B. Mimee, S. W. Kembel. 2019. See poster.