PhD position on Key Biodiversity Areas and species range modelling

Wildlife Conservation Society Canada (WCSC) is leading a collaborative effort to identify and establish a comprehensive national network of Key Biodiversity Areas (KBAs) in Canada. WCSC will identify KBAs, which are sites that will contribute significantly to the global persistence of biodiversity, through the application of a new global standard, which is currently being introduced and adapted to the Canadian context.

Working Group in Biodiversity Synthesis: Call for Application

CIEE and BIOS² are co-sponsoring a data-driven working group in biodiversity synthesis. We invite graduate students from CIEE Member Universities and BIOS² Universities to submit an application for a one week working group at UBC May 4-8, 2020. Applications due: March 6, 2020.

The objective of this activity is to provide graduate students the opportunity to get experience in team projects oriented toward biodiversity synthesis and data analysis. Providing students a stimulating training environment is central to the activity. Working groups consist of a small group of researchers who meet in person in a single location, and work intensively and collaboratively on a research question, using best practices in team science and digital collaboration.

Call for proposals : BIOS² – CIEE synthesis group

Applications due: January 8, 2020.

We invite experienced biodiversity researchers from both academic (universities) and non-academic organizations (e.g. government departments, non-profit organizations, Indigenous organizations, community groups, industry) to submit proposals for a one week working group focused on a question in biodiversity science.

Mona Parizadeh’s Presentation

Mona Parizadeh, a 2018-2019 BIOS2 fellow , did a poster presentation at the CSEE, ESC & AES 2019 Joint Meeting in Fredericton (NB). Here is what she presented :

Monitoring the effects of neonicotinoid pesticides on the phyllosphere and soil bacterial communities in a three-year soybean and corn rotation. Parizadeh, M., B. Mimee, S. W. Kembel. 2019. See poster.