This summer is weird. But we hope you are all safe and taking care of yourselves, and enjoying it as you can! We already did a lot of things in the last couple of weeks and this blog post is about remembering these good things and hoping for better days with more computational ecology training and community calls!
Training: Data Visualization
There has been a change in dates for the Data Visualization workshop.
The training will be held on October 13-14 @ 1-3 PM (EDT) instead of September 21-22, 2020.
We are pleased to propose another training as part as our series: Training by BIOS² Fellows!
Katherine Hébert and Alex Arkilanian we will be offering a training session on Data Visualization (in English) to be held on October 13-14 from 1-3 PM (EDT).
The training will be split into two sessions, which will covers the general principles of visualization and graphic design, and techniques of tailored visualization. Each training will take the form of a presentation interspersed with several short activity modules, where participants will be invited to use the tools we will be discussing to practice their data visualization skills.
Seminar: Taking data seriously by Giulio Valentino Dalla Riva
Dr. Giulio Valentino Dalla Riva will be presenting a seminar about common myths in data fields: raw data does not exists, data is not petrol oil, data is not the lack of theory, accuracy is bad, … .
Read More “Seminar: Taking data seriously by Giulio Valentino Dalla Riva”
Training: Science Communication
Thank you to BIOS² Fellows Gracielle Higino and Katherine Hébert, we will be offering a series of two webinars on Science Communication!
The objective of this training is to share and discuss the concepts and tools that contribute to effective science communication. The training will be split into two sessions, which will cover the basic concepts of effective science communication and how social media tools can be used to boost the signal of your research and extend your research network. Each training will take the form of a presentation interspersed with several short activity modules, where participants will be invited to use the tools we will be discussing to kickstart their own science communication.
Call for new BIOS² Fellows
Responses are due by June 14, 2020
This is the 2020 Call for new BIOS² Fellows. Fellows learn computational and quantitative skills from some of Canada’s best biodiversity scientists and apply skills to solve real-world problems through internships and working groups. BIOS² aims at widening opportunities and skill sets among students and postdoctoral fellows and increasing recruitment in Biodiversity science in the Canadian job market.
Blog: A Journey with Data Trekkers
Story of an internship by Gracielle Higino, Gabriel Dansereau and Francis Banville
Back in 2019, which feels like decades ago, we started a humble project in the Poisot lab which we called Code Hour. The goal was to set weekly hours to practice Julia, since we were all learning to use it and we could greatly benefit from each other’s help and encouragement. The project went well (although we frequently ended up spending much more than one hour). It “spilled” out of our lab and found enthusiasm at IVADO, who already had plans to promote a challenge in which participants would make a commitment to code for 100 days. That’s when our internship was born.