Training: Science Communication

Thank you to BIOS² Fellows Gracielle Higino and Katherine Hébert, we will be offering a series of two webinars on Science Communication!

The objective of this training is to share and discuss the concepts and tools that contribute to effective science communication. The training will be split into two sessions, which will cover the basic concepts of effective science communication and how social media tools can be used to boost the signal of your research and extend your research network. Each training will take the form of a presentation interspersed with several short activity modules, where participants will be invited to use the tools we will be discussing to kickstart their own science communication.

Calcul Québec Spring School in High Performance Computing – French

Registrations are now open for the Calcul Québec Spring School in High Performance Computing!

May 11-15, 2020 at Orford Musique
All levels
Please note that classes are mostly given in French.

The Calcul Québec Spring School in high-performance computing (HPC) allows graduate students, post-docs, researchers and professionals to learn how to make effective use of high-performance computing resources while at the same time benefiting from privileged access to Calcul Québec analysts for an entire week.

Training session: Mathematical Modeling in Ecology and Evolution

BIOS2 presents a training session about:

Mathematical Modeling in Ecology and Evolution with Mathematica and Maxima.

This online training will be led by Dr. Sarah P. Otto (UBC) and held in two parts : January 14 and January 16, 2020, from 10 to 12:30 PST / 1 to 3:30 EST.

This workshop will introduce participants to the logic behind modeling in biology, focusing on developing equations, finding equilibria, analyzing stability , and running simulations.  Techniques will be illustrated with the software tools, Mathematica and Maxima.