Workshop R and Git: from code to collaboration

BIOS2 is holding a one-day workshop on programming and version control for data science and research. Our newly Certified Carpentries Instructors Francis Banville and Gabriel Dansereau will be giving an introduction to the Tidyverse, a collection of R packages for data manipulation and visualisation. They will also introduce Git, a collaboration and version control tool useful for research work. The lessons covered will be inspired by those developed by The Carpentries (Data Analysis and Visualization in R for Ecologists and Version Control with Git).

The workshop is free and will take place in person at the Campus MIL of University of Montreal (with snacks!) and the language of instruction will be French. We have a very limited number of places, so register early!

You must have R and RStudio and Git Bash installed before the workshop. If you need help with installation, please email Francis or Gabriel, or arrive 60-30 minutes before the workshop starts.

What: Workshop on R (Tidyverse) and Git
When: Saturday 18 January from 9:00 to 17:00 ET
Where: Campus MIL (Université de Montréal), room B-2061
Contacts: Francis Banville (francis.banville [at] and Gabriel Dansereau (gabriel.dansereau [at]

Registration form:

Dealing with spatial data in R – workshop

The first workshop of the 2024-2025 calendar will be about spatial data analysis, and registrations are now open! Perfect for researchers and data analysts with a foundational understanding of R, this workshop will cover Google Colab, reproducible workflows, biodiversity and spatial data sets available online, shapefile and raster operations, and Google Earth Engine (GEE) integration. You should have access to Google Suite applications like Google Drive and Google Colab via an email account to participate. The workshop instructors are Lionel Leston (University of Alberta) and Mobina Gholamhosseini (Université de Montréal).

Registration Details

Date: September 17th, 19th, 24th and 26th, 2024
Time: 10 am PT / 1 pm PT
Venue: Online (Zoom and Google Colab)

Registrations are free and open to everyone, but seats are limited. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us at pgm_bios2 [at]

Open Reviewers Workshop

In July, BIOS2 will host a 2-hour workshop on open peer review, hosted by our fellow Allegra Spensieri. Allegra has been selected as a PREreview Champion and is now bringing to our community the principles of a fair and open peer review, with the support of PREreview.

PREreview is an organization that develops infrastructure to support the pre-print peer review process from start to end. They develop and provide training on how to write helpful reviews for preprints, and have built a platform to submit preprint reviews on, as well as a community of researchers. The open reviewers workshop is a training program that PREreview has designed for researchers at all levels to learn how to write equitable peer reviews.

This 2-hour workshop will focus on the basics of open, preprint peer reviewing and becoming aware of biases in peer review. Registrations are free and open to everyone, but seats are limited.

When: July 10th, 2024 – 1pm EST
Where: Online

Modeling and computational analysis of biological systems

This June 11 and 13, BIOS2 will host a new training on mathematical models in Ecology, hosted by our fellow Maxime Clenet!

This course is designed to deepen your understanding of theoretical models in ecology, such as population dynamics (Lotka-Volterra), spatial dynamics (metapopulation), or epidemiological models (SIR). The training is divided into two main parts.
First, we will look at the key steps in modelling and formalizing a biological problem in terms of equations and try to answer the questions: Why is it useful? And what are the main current theoretical approaches in population dynamics?
A rigorous mathematical analysis of the model will be carried out by presenting the main methodological tools useful for its analysis, such as equilibrium, Jacobian matrices and stability. This analysis will be integrated in the form of practical exercises and exchanges between the students.

The theoretical part will be followed by a numerical and data-oriented interpretation. You’ll learn how to develop a numerical method to find a solution to dynamical systems with some examples. At the end, the participants will have the opportunity to develop their own numerical simulations for their favourite dynamical model using an adapted and easily accessible programming tool (Python or R depending on programming preferences).

This training is an interdisciplinary project that aims to enhance technical skills, theoretical ecology understanding, and numerical and computational abilities. Trainees from diverse backgrounds are welcome, and the proposed formula will benefit everyone. The training will provide an opportunity for everyone to work on a simple model in three stages: understanding the basic mathematical ideas behind the model, the questions involved and the final numerical implementation of the model.

What: Short course on mathematical models in Ecology (8h)
When: June 11 and 13, 10am-4pm EST (includes lunch break)

2024 Summer School in Advanced Statistics for the Life Sciences

The Summer School in Advanced Statistics for the Life Sciences, on the theme of Hierarchical Models, will take place from April 29 to May 3, 2024 at Jouvence, in Mont-Orford National Park, Quebec. Hierarchical models in life sciences refer to statistical frameworks that account for the nested structure of data often encountered in biological research, where observations are organized within multiple levels of hierarchy such as individuals within populations, or repeated measures within individuals. These models allow for the incorporation of both within-group and between-group variability, providing insights into the underlying biological processes while appropriately addressing the complex dependencies within the data.

The intensive course is presented by Pr. Guillaume Blanchet, professor at Université de Sherbrooke and academic member of BIOS2, and Dr. Andrew MacDonald, research professional for BIOS2CREUS, and QCSB. The course aims to introduce hierarchical models from both a theoretical and practical point of view. Everything will be done using R with an introduction to Stan. Bring your dataset!


Anyone interested in taking part in the summer school must complete this form by March 20, 2024. Official registration (admission and payment of registration fees) will take place during the week of March 25, 2024

More information and registration:

2024 Summer School in Biodiversity Modelling

The 2024 edition Summer School in Biodiversity Modelling will be on the theme “Indicators to monitor biodiversity changes“. Biodiversity indicators are metrics used to measure and assess the health, diversity, and distribution of species, ecosystems, and genetic variability within an environment. These indicators provide valuable insights into the status and trends of biodiversity over time, helping to inform conservation efforts, policy-making, and sustainable development practices. By tracking these indicators, scientists and policymakers can monitor changes in biodiversity, identify areas of concern, prioritize conservation actions, and evaluate the effectiveness of conservation strategies.

The main objective of the 2024 Summer School in Computational Biodiversity Science will be to develop a report of the current state of biodiversity for Canada, based on the most recent science on biodiversity indicators and using state-of-the-art technologies in data science. 

Presented by Professor Dominique Gravel (Université de Sherbrooke) in collaboration with various leading scientists in the domain, the intensive course will take place from May 13 to 17, 2024 at Jouvence, in Mont-Orford National Park, Quebec.

Date: May 13 to 17, 2024
Location: Jouvence Resort in Orford, Quebec
Registration fee: 600$ (shared room) 800$ (private room)
Price includes course registration, accommodation and meals.


Anyone interested in taking part in the summer school must complete this form by March 20, 2024. Official registration (admission and payment of registration fees) will take place during the week of March 25, 2024

More information and registration: