Workshop R and Git: from code to collaboration

BIOS2 is holding a one-day workshop on programming and version control for data science and research. Our newly Certified Carpentries Instructors Francis Banville and Gabriel Dansereau will be giving an introduction to the Tidyverse, a collection of R packages for data manipulation and visualisation. They will also introduce Git, a collaboration and version control tool useful for research work. The lessons covered will be inspired by those developed by The Carpentries (Data Analysis and Visualization in R for Ecologists and Version Control with Git).

The workshop is free and will take place in person at the Campus MIL of University of Montreal (with snacks!) and the language of instruction will be French. We have a very limited number of places, so register early!

You must have R and RStudio and Git Bash installed before the workshop. If you need help with installation, please email Francis or Gabriel, or arrive 60-30 minutes before the workshop starts.

What: Workshop on R (Tidyverse) and Git
When: Saturday 18 January from 9:00 to 17:00 ET
Where: Campus MIL (Université de Montréal), room B-2061
Contacts: Francis Banville (francis.banville [at] and Gabriel Dansereau (gabriel.dansereau [at]

Registration form:

Dealing with spatial data in R – workshop

The first workshop of the 2024-2025 calendar will be about spatial data analysis, and registrations are now open! Perfect for researchers and data analysts with a foundational understanding of R, this workshop will cover Google Colab, reproducible workflows, biodiversity and spatial data sets available online, shapefile and raster operations, and Google Earth Engine (GEE) integration. You should have access to Google Suite applications like Google Drive and Google Colab via an email account to participate. The workshop instructors are Lionel Leston (University of Alberta) and Mobina Gholamhosseini (Université de Montréal).

Registration Details

Date: September 17th, 19th, 24th and 26th, 2024
Time: 10 am PT / 1 pm PT
Venue: Online (Zoom and Google Colab)

Registrations are free and open to everyone, but seats are limited. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us at pgm_bios2 [at]

Blog: A Journey with Data Trekkers

Story of an internship by Gracielle Higino, Gabriel Dansereau and Francis Banville

Back in 2019, which feels like decades ago, we started a humble project in the Poisot lab which we called Code Hour. The goal was to set weekly hours to practice Julia, since we were all learning to use it and we could greatly benefit from each other’s help and encouragement. The project went well (although we frequently ended up spending much more than one hour). It “spilled” out of our lab and found enthusiasm at IVADO, who already had plans to promote a challenge in which participants would make a commitment to code for 100 days. That’s when our internship was born.

The time I talked about data bias at the BES annual meeting – Gracielle Higino

For someone who started the year of 2019 not quite believing in my own research, being in an international conference in December showcasing my latest results and making people intrigued by what I’ve found was a huge leap.

From December 10th-13th I was in the BES Annual Meeting in Belfast, Northern Ireland, and the first morning was a landmark in my career. It was the first time I was in an international conference, and the first time I had the chance to make an oral presentation about my research. Giving that the days before the meeting I was extremely stressed about not having the results I wanted, the first thing I learned was that, in science, every bit of result counts.