Summer school: Data-driven ecological synthesis class

Application deadline is Dec. 31, 2019.

We are accepting applications for the fifth edition of the Data-Driven Ecological Synthesis intensive class, held from April 27 to May 3 at the Station de Biologie des Laurentides, Université de Montréal. The aim of this class is to train ecologists in state of the art techniques for data management and analysis for synthesis research. It is co-taught by Prof. Timothée Poisot and Dr. Andrew MacDonald. More information, including a link to the application form, can be found here: Students from Québec universities can claim 4 credits for this class.

Open project PhD program

Call is open until November 22, 2019.

We are now collecting applications for our Open PhD Project program!

This is a call for submissions of two half-scholarships for doctoral students: one in biodiversity science, and the other in social sciences, economics, or political science (i.e. outside the Natural Sciences and Engineering).

Each scholarship is 10 000$ per year and is supplemented with a 2000$ per year travel grant (renewable for 3 years).  The student receiving this funding is required to participate in BIOS² training activities and to complete one internship  of 3 to 4 weeks with a non-academic partner organization.

Apply now: