Call 2022 to participate in the BIOS² program

This is the 2022 Call for BIOS² Fellows. This call is for current BIOS2 Fellows to renew their membership and/or funding and for graduate students to join the BIOS2 program.

Applications are due by August 10, 2022.

Program Description

The Computational Biodiversity Science and Services BIOS2 training program is a NSERC-CREATE program. Fellows learn computational and quantitative skills from some of Canada’s best biodiversity scientists and apply skills to solve real-world problems through internships and working groups. BIOS² aims at widening opportunities and skill sets among students and postdoctoral fellows and increasing recruitment in biodiversity science in the Canadian job market.

BIOS2 training consists of instruction (courses, short modules, and summer schools), working groups and internships. Fellows will use their internships and working groups to solve real-world problems related to biodiversity and to get valuable professional experience outside of academia.

Apply to participate in a BIOS² + LDP Student-led Working Group

The NSERC-CREATE training program in Computational Biology BIOS2, in collaboration with the NSERC-CREATE Living Data Project from the Canadian Institute of Ecology and Evolution, are now accepting applications to participate in a student-led working group that will be held from January 23 to 27, 2023, in the Montreal Area, QC.

The theme of the working group is: Assessing the potential for climate-driven range shifts through multiple landscapes features across the Canada-US border.

PhD Opportunity: Monitoring the impacts of climate change on biodiversity

The Government of Quebec’s Biodiversity Monitoring Network is the first large-scale project in Quebec to document changes in biodiversity on a large scale. It was developed through the 2013-2020 Action Plan on Climate Change in partnership with the Ministère des Forêts de la Faune et des Parcs (MFFP) and the Ministère de l’Environnement et de la Lutte aux Changements Climatiques (MELCC). Nearly 250 sites have been monitored since 2016, using about thirty indicators and taxonomic groups in a variety of environments (forest, tundra, bog, marsh, lake and river).

We are looking for a PhD student to synthesize the observations and develop interpretation tools.

Call for proposals: Open projects in biodiversity science and Non-NSE domains

The BIOS2 Research Funding Program supports open projects in biodiversity science and non-NSE domains proposed by academic members

The BIOS² training program provides a framework to foster collaborative, multidisciplinary and cross-sectoral research. It focuses on training the next generation of highly qualified people in quantitative ecology as well as future actors and decision makers in the biodiversity science sector. The main objectives of the program are to widen opportunities and skill sets among students and increase their recruitment in Biodiversity science in the Canadian job market. 

We are currently offering financial support for projects in biodiversity science, and in non-Natural Sciences and Engineering domains. The aim of this call is to fund projects, not students. Once the project is awarded, students are selected by the academic member(s) leading the project.