Department de biologie, chimie et géographie
Université du Québec à Rimouski
Assistant director of Centre d’études nordiques (www.cen.uqar.ca)
Email : Joel_Bety@uqar.ca
Personal website : https://www.uqar.ca/universite/a-propos-de-l-uqar/departements/departement-de-biologie-chimie-et-geographie/bety-joel
- Arctic Ecology
- Animal behaviours
- Population dynamics
- Trophic interaction
Research Interests
My research aims to identify and understand the ecological processes that govern the composition and dynamics of food webs in the northern terrestrial environment. My work is essentially empirical in nature, integrating processes that operate at several spatial and temporal scales and levels of biological organization (from the organism to the communities). My projects are mainly carried out on vertebrates in Arctic terrestrial ecosystems.