forest in autumn colors taken by drone

BIOS² funding includes scholarships, financial support for mobility and communication, free access to training activities and funding for synthesis groups and problem-solving workshops.

Fellowship for graduate students

We offer different forms of financial support for graduate students:

  • Full-support fellow have access to all the training, mobility and communication grants plus 100% of their stipend provided by BIOS2. 
  • Half- support fellows have access to all the training, mobility and communication grants plus 50% of their stipend provided by BIOS2. 
  • Independent fellows, with external funding for stipends (from supervisors or with other scholarships), have access to all the training as well as mobility and communication grants. 
  • MITACS fellows, which similarly to independent fellows have their own support for stipends, have access to all the training, mobility and communication grants.

More information is provided in the section GET INVOLVED.

Mobility and communication grants

A central element of the BIOS2 fellowship is the mobility and communication grants:

Mobility grants

Fellows receive an annual grant to facilitate exchanges across institutions and fellow’s participation in training activities. This money covers expenses for three types of activities: 

  • attending training packages and summer schools offered at external institutions,
  • realizing their internships at collaborating organizations
  • visiting external laboratories (national or international) to develop new professional skills. 

* In the current context, mobility is very limited and in-person events has been cancelled. You can therefore use your grant to cover registration fees for online advanced training courses.

Communication grants

Fellows receive an annual grant to develop their communication skills. 

Communication grant will be used by fellows for 

  • presentation (poster or oral) at national or international conferences
  • to give academic or professional seminars in other settings
  • to cover publication fees in open access international journals.


The procedure for disbursing the travel/communication grant is as follows:

  1. For each activity requiring part or all of the communication / travel grant, student must complete an online form (Form: Claim your Grant).
  2. BIOS2 coordination team evaluates the request.
  3. Once the request confirmed, the co-PIs in charge of administrating the money gets an email with all the details about the payment/refund to the student.
  4. Co-PIs disburse the money to the student.

We encourage fellows to look for additional funding to complements BIOS2 grants. External funding sources may come from supervisors and supporting organizations such as the CIEE, the QCBS and the UBC Biodiversity Research Centre.

Photo credits: Nathan Anderson | Unsplash
